Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Mobile Optimisation

What is Mobile Optimisation?

It means converting your “desktop” website into a format that can be read on any mobile device. It eliminates the need for zooming; gives easy access to contact information; and easy navigation to minimise hitting the wrong link.

Always ‘redy’ and waiting to be started, but mobile optimisation or a responsive site is fast becoming a must.
Mobile traffic are now bigger than desktop traffic. And we all knew it would happen, but now it is here. The majority of users will use more than one device to search, consider and purchase. The majority of these users will use more than one device within a 24 hour period.
Remember: You need to ‘be where your users are’, if you want to succeed on web. This doesn’t just mean social platforms, via remarketing etc. You need to be usable on mobile. Even if your site is specifically not designed to convert on mobile, users need to be able to use your site and find information to keep them on the path to conversion instead of getting frustrated and seeking out an alternative.
F. Eks: Google see having a non-mobile optimised site as providing a lower quality experience to the user, and they don’t like that. If you want to see your rankings improve, you need a mobile optimised site.

Google have a great little guide in their Developer section about creating mobile friendly websites which you can visit:   What is Mobile optimisation?

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