WebOS, iOS, and Android, now AdMob is going for the Windows Phone 7 users. The Admob company, owned by Google, launched a beta SDK for Microsoft’s latest mobile OS, allowing developers to make some cash out of their free apps.
The SDK allows developers to control where the ads appear, and what types of ads are shown in the apps. Both text and banner ads are supported with a variety of post click actions including opening a webpage and linking directly to the App Marketplace.
AdMob have taken steps to customize the ad experience for the look and feel of Windows Phone 7 and make it easy for users to return to their app after engaging with the ad. AdMob updated its existing iOS and Android SDKs to include enhanced HTML5 support for more engaging ad units. Moreover, full screen interstitial formats are now supported on iOS and Android-based tablets.
[Via: Google Mobile Ads Blog]