Wednesday, December 09, 2015


We knew this was coming, but Google confirmed that more searches are conducted on smartphones than desktops and tablets in 10 countries. Google made the announcement official during a livestreamed event in which it introduced several mobile-centric ad formats and tools.

Google is developing a new portfolio of display ad formats and tools for advertisers to use across

The company says they’re designed specifically for mobile.
Engagement ads leverage advertisers’ existing brand assets and repackage them into rich, media-centric HTML5 ads. One example that Google gave includes two states: a small “invitation” banner with a glimpse at the hidden media, followed by an “expanded” state (shown left) that includes a small carousel for switching between a related video, a map and an image gallery.

Google concluded that the linear path from discovery to purchase has been replaced with “micro-moments” in which we use our phones in bursts of activity.
  • Time spent per web visit fell 18 percent as mobile’s share of web sessions has risen by 20 percent in the past year, says Google.
  • Near me” searches doubled in the past year; 80 % of those searches come from mobile
These is some of the changes instituted so far this year,